Fabuła - 2010-10-07 20:34:32

W tym ogloszeniu przedstawie wam bindy ktore umozliwiaja szybsze kupowanie niz zwykle. Na poczatku wchodzimy do Counter Strike 2D nastepnie folder sys i odpalamy autoexec w notatniku. Po tej czynnosci kasujemy cala zawartosc w tym pliku i kopiujemy to:

// This file will be parsed on each start of CS2D! YAY :D
// You can edit this file. CS2D will never modify it.
// (All lines which start with "//" are comments only!)

// Check Version on start (using the U.S.G.N.)
// Change to 0 if you're playing offline
usgn_checkversion 1

// Add your buyscripts and other binds/aliases here!
// A list of all commands is available at: www.cs2d.com/help.php?cat=all
// Controls/buying related commands: www.cs2d.com/help.php?cat=controls

bind "F5" "m3; vesthelm; vest; buyammo1; buyammo2; defuser; hegren; flash; flash; flare; slot3"
bind "F6" "ak47; m4a1; deagle; vesthelm; vest; buyammo1; buyammo2; slot3"
bind "F7" "vesthelm; defuser ; vest; buyammo1; buyammo2; slot3"
bind "F8" "hegren; flash; flash; flare; slot3"
bind "F9" "sayteam ..[A]..Go.Go !"
bind "F10" "sayteam ....Go.Go !"
bind "F11" "sayteam ..[Plant].. Go.Go"
bind "F12" "sayteam ..[Hostage].. Go.Go"
bind "KP_END" "ak47; m4a1; vesthelm; vest; buyammo1; buyammo2; slot3"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "vesthelm; vest; buyammo1; buyammo2; slot3"
bind "KP_PGDN" "hegren; flash; flash; flare; slot3"
bind "KP_Enter" "defuser ; slot3"
bind "V" "say Takis cwany?? Ogarnij to!!"
bind "X" "say FTP Rekrutuje!!!! Zapraszamy na ftp2d.pun.pl<<<  "
bind "C" "say ~*FTP Power*~

Prosze o zmienienie bindow z say czyli ze jak klikasz np V piszesz Takis cwany?? Ogarnij to!!

Wiecej informacji znajdziecie na cs2d.pl

News napisany przez Fabułe

www.jebacmuszelki.pun.pl www.wiedzmin.pun.pl www.polishcivilparty.pun.pl www.ptakikuby.pun.pl www.shugo-chara-world.pun.pl